Weekend Photo Tour w/Lodging - AUG 21-23


Weekend Photo Tour w/Lodging - AUG 21-23


WEEKENDER - 2 Nights B&B / Lodging + Breakfast + Photography Tour

Spend the weekend exploring the park and the night skies in Joshua Tree. An excellent introduction to Astrophotography for beginners, and an excellent location for experienced photographers to take their craft to the next level.

This workshop focuses on still photography, rather than timelapse. 

Class size limited to 3.

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  • Lodging/Breakfast in Joshua Tree, California
  • Training on Astro-Photography Techniques and post-processing 
  • Training on Landscape Photography Techniques
  • Optimal Camera Setup, including lens selection 
  • Daily/Nightly shooting sessions in the park and surrounding areas.
  • Astro Theory and optimal shutter speed / aperture selection
  • Training on optimal RAW settings and processing


Our workshops require that you have a DLSR (or Mirrorless!) camera which allows for manual settings of Aperture, Exposure duration and ISO. The camera should support interchangeable lenses - FAST (2.8F or faster) and WIDE (20MM or wider, 14MM is preferable) are best for nighttime photography (lenses can be rented on-line). You will also need a tripod and an Intervalometer (or a camera which supports Intervalometer functions natively in the camera). You will also need to bring a laptop (for processing your sequences). Once you've registered I will send you a list of download instructions for the software which is used in the workshop.